Posts with tag: "10 best tips for wedding photography"
Saturday, June 01, 2019
By Cheriefoto Munchkin
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We are so happy to display the first photos from our new, amazing photo studio in Malibu!!!! And our newest photographer to our team the amazing and fabulous Vanessa!!! You are in for a treat if you decide to shoot in our Malibu location with our girl Vanessa. It is an indoor/outdoor studio full of incredible locations that will make you giggle like a little girl. Get naked in our hot tub, sit on our miniature horse, sit in nature any way you want to sit OR snuggle into our indoor fairytale locations and backgrounds! You will never forget this day of creating iconic images of you! From boudoir to personal portraits to photos with you child it can all be done even on the same day!! So enjoy seeing some of the thousands of locations this location has to offer, from fairytale sweetness to downright sexy shots!


Monday, October 27, 2014
By cherie & hedley
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Hedley and I are pleased to announce that we have a new baby on the way... but not what you might think!!!!!!    HaHaHa......

Our arrival is the 2nd edition of our fabulous ebook for Brides, Photographers and Wedding Planners to get the best out of their wedding photographer and have the most amazing photos at everyday wedding........... 

The book is based on all the tips that we have picked up in our years of experience as wedding photographers. It has been completely updated for 2015 and beyond:

We know that it will be a valuable resource for all brides-to-be!

Please share it with your friends, family and clients.


Cherie and Hedley

"Voted Best Wedding Photographers in L.A. 2014”

Monday, September 08, 2014
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Weddings and Boudoir Photography Los Angeles....

So why is this combination working so well and this trend is growing faster than anything I have seen for many years......About 65% of our girls that we see are getting married and this is well face it the most amazing gift that a Bride can give to a Groom on the wedding night. Or anytime for that matter. So get on board girls. It is one of the most memorable things you will ever do and you will have those images for a lifetime.

Ask any 50 year old girl if they wish they would have done pics like this when they were 25-45 and they will all say the same thing. OMG yes wish I had done that. Bridal Boudoir Photography here in Los Angles is just about the most fun a girl can have. Read our yelp listings for Cheriefoto or The Boudoir Cafe. We are pleased to say we have a 5 star Yelp listing with over 60 reviews. These are for Weddings, Portraits and Boudoir.....So get with it and come in to see us and have the experieince of a lifetime...You will always remember the day you did these images....I promise....

We have the premier Boudoir photography studio in Beverly Hills a charming sweet and intimate place where people come to have a day that they will never forget!!!.....

So do something you have always wanted to do and treat yourself or better still get your guy to treat you!!!

Enjoy 2014 Wedding and Boudoir Season!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011
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Check us out on Grace Ormonde……
We are thrilled…Thanks Holly and Steve for the great wedding we got to shoot!!……
We loved every moment….You two rocked it out……xoxoxoxoxo