Posts with tag: "best boudoir photographers"
Saturday, January 16, 2016
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Hello Chickadees!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.

But just because the holiday season is over doesn't mean that gift-giving is over!

A very, very important holiday is coming up... Valentine's Day!

And while we at The Boudoir Cafe like chocolate and flowers and wine and dine as much as any other girl... We believe in something a little more sexy is preferable for this romantic holiday.

Sure, you can treat yourself and your man to some boudoir photos as a #VDay surprise... OR you can suggest he give you (and himself!) a gift by buying a boudoir photography session at The Boudoir Cafe.

GUYS, this is the best gift you can give your girl! It will make her feel sexy and powerful and beautiful -- and all right before the biggest, sexiest holiday of the year. Also, what could be better than a sexy picture of your girl? Oh, right: a sexy picture of your girl that lasts forever.

The Boudoir Cafe has gift certificates available now. Book in the next few days to guarantee that you receive your beautifully bundled and personally framed boudoir photos by February 14.



Sunday, December 06, 2015
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More exciting news!! Hedley and I will be speaking at the 2016 Wedding & Portrait Photography International Expo! And NOT ONLY will we be speaking, we will be teaching a MASTER CLASS.

The Boudoir Café’s class, “The Crazy, Sexy Art of Boudoir!”, will be in session on Wednesday, March 9 from 3:30 to 5:30PM! The WPPI expo will be held at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas from March 7th through 9th this year.

This is very special because WPPI expo master classes are super intimate and super hard to come by. The master class is a two-hour, hands-on session where we will teach you everything you need to know about boudoir photography. From lingerie to lighting to makeup to posing and much, much more, you will not want to miss this! VERY fun and VERY informative.

RSVP NOW to guarantee a spot! Master classes are limited to 50 participants and are add-ons when you register for the expo. Visit to find out more and to register.


Friday, November 06, 2015
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Okay, we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: curvy is beautiful. Girls, your curves are the reasons men drool after you. Men don’t have curves. They’re all angles, squares, and straight lines. The soft curves of your body are fascinating to them, they crave to get to know the wonders of them.

That being said, sometimes we want to tone up. Sometimes, we don’t feel too comfortable with every single centimeter of our curves. And that isn’t a problem. Yes, mainstream media has put this idea of the “perfect female body” into our head. But we’re smart enough to know that that is a bunch of hocus pocus. All of our bodies are already perfect. But, self-confidence often relies on what makes us feel comfortable within our own skin… And sometimes that means dropping that last five to ten pounds of that little bitty weight that is clinging onto us.

Now, our healthy and body experts here at The Boudoir Café have a completely easy way to lose that last 5-10 pounds easily! (A piece of advice and self-care which is only one of the many little extra dashes of sweetness that keep us as the #1 Boudoir Photographers in LA and Las Vegas!)

This plan requires no unnecessary fuss, no expensive equipment to buy, nothing to count or measure, and really – nothing to even buy, that you may not already be buying! Yes, you can begin this lovely Boudoir Café diet as soon as you are done reading this article!

Are you ready for it? The super simple, easy, and manageable method of losing that few stubborn pounds is to just eat protein, vegetables, and fruit! This is probably a diet some of you have heard before. And there is a scientifically proven reason why it works: A diet of protein, vegetables and fruit is equivalent to what our ancestors (those hard working hunters and gatherers) used to fill their bodies with. And, with all the added physical work they did during the day (much the same way you are exerting your own body by perhaps walking to work, or going grocery shopping, or maybe doing that extra bit of cardio by taking a stroll around the block after dinner) it easily burned off these healthy calories, stabilizing and energizing the human system.

Truly, The Boudoir Café assures you that this will not at all require any drastic changes to your diet. It really ends up about being cutting out carbs and starches and dairy… But it is also scientifically proven that not only do these two food groups add weight very easily; it is also proven by evolutionary biology that these two food groups are difficult for our homosapien bodies to digest in the first place – because starches and carbs and dairy were not part of our original diet plan, from the very beginning. We hold onto the weight from processed and inorganic food products so easily because they are not naturally really meant to be in our body anyway!

So here’s what we, at The Boudoir Café, personally recommend you do if you are feeling a little insecure about that extra few pounds: eat healthy, eat natural, and be the bad, hunting and gathering woman you once were eras ago. If it’s not grown or made by nature, don’t eat it! I mean, we don’t totally recommend you get completely down with your bad self and go and hunt and gather in the wilderness for yourself (unless you’re into that, in which case we totally approve… you go girl!). Really, a quick trip to the grocery store should suffice.

Personally, I lost 12 pounds in just 2 months! Doctors even say that losing 5-6 pounds per month is the healthy average at which to lose weight – and keep it off, too! Even better… I am never hungry! For example, my guilty pleasures are sweet potato fries and a hamburger. Instead of this, I choose to eat half of a baked sweet potato (because it does still count as a starch… make sure to still treat yourself, diet isn’t a punishment at all!!) and a burger without the buns. I have sausage and eggs for breakfast; and a huge salad with tuna for lunch. At night, I treat myself to some fruit for dessert!

And then, when you find those tinsie-insie pounds slipping away (and the time it takes for this to happen varies from woman to woman, as our metabolisms all hold and lose weight in extremely different ways), and you see yourself standing in front the mirror more and thinking, “I am the most beautiful of them all” – give The Boudoir Café a call, because we have the perfect photoshoot, pampering, and Queen for a Day experience that will make you feel, “Yes, this is my body, and I own it, and I am proud of it. It does so much for me, and I do so much for it. I am beautiful and strong, and I never want to forget that for the rest of my life.” And you have found the right people to call: the supporting, caring and best boudoir photographers in LA and Las Vegas, The Boudoir Café, promises that we will capture that forever-moment.



Friday, October 30, 2015
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I think we all remember the first time, as little girls, when we tried on high heels. We stumbled like baby giraffes, trying to emulate the way we saw our mothers walk. And later, as teens, it was runway models we had in mind as we slipped on strappy stilettos.

And, of course, there is a reason for this. When we saw our mothers walk in high heels, we admired her stature and her grace as our first role models. And then super models became our idols with their smirking, pouty lips and quick and confident strut.

Ever since we were dreamy young women, heels have been a symbol of power and adulthood. And for good reason! We now know that when we put on high heels, they lift us above our normal height; in the workplace they lift us above men and above the glass ceiling; and when we down the street (whether it be to the office or to the club) the smart noise the heels make against the concrete assures of our womanly strength. When we wear a pair of heels, we keep our head high and our hopes higher. We are the beautiful and accomplished women who our mothers wanted us to be; and we are equal (or better than) the models we once revered.

Truly, high heels have so many proven benefits. Yes, they add height. But they also improve our posture, making us throw our shoulders back and keep our head up -- a proven powerhouse stance. And, in terms of sex appeal, heels lengthen our legs and push up our cute booty. No wonder models looked so good walking down that runway! Their legs looked sky-high, their behinds looks perfectly perky, and they looked down from a great height with their hooded eyes at the lowly audience. Impossible to resist.

You know you are impossible to resist in high heels! And can you imagine how super sexy you would be in a steamy boudoir photoshoot, with just some lingerie and strappy heels on? No need to imagine any longer, friends! As the #1 boudoir photography studio in Los Angeles and Las Vegas, The Boudoir Cafe encourages all of our clients to wear heels during their photoshoot. The Boudoir Cafe believes (and it's true!) that there is something unbelievably enchanting about a boudoir photograph in which a woman in lace is standing, sitting or lying down with her long legs elongated and her behind round and perky with a pair of high heels. And your face in a Boudoir Cafe boudoir shoot as you do this shows that you know how good you look with those heels on. Head to heeled-toe, you give off a total come-hither vibe.

At The Boudoir Cafe, we even have heels we can provide for you, if you don't ave any ones of your own that you think will foot the bill! Because we are one of the most famous boudoir photographers in the Los Angeles and Las Vegas area, we have the great honor of being the owners of a high-heel collection (see pics in this post!!) that you are completely welcome to choose from at the time of your shoot as a part of your pampering hair and makeup session. Because, really, what's a queen without some high heels? You should be able to sit on your thrown higher than everyone, and you should be able to look down on everyone not as gorgeous as you (the same way those models did), and you should rule with grace and confidence (the same way your mother did).

After all, it was the great and fabulous Marilyn Monroe who said, "I don't know who invented high heels. But whoever he was, all women owe him a lot!"

We sure do!!




Friday, October 16, 2015
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Exciting news, boudoir fans!!


The Boudoir Café was featured on the popular current news website, The Daily Beast! :

Journalist Samantha Allen was kind enough to contact me and The Boudoir Café team as prime contributors to her article, “How Boudoir Photos Are Redefining Sexy.” The article itself is lovely, and has a lot of good words to say about boudoir by those who have participated and been changed by it; and by boudoir photographers (including Hedley and myself!) who have found a great passion and art in capturing such intimate and beautiful moments.


Do yourself a favor and read it! Just like a boudoir photoshoot experience itself, it promises not to disappoint.


