Well ...We had the total pleasure to shoot a recent wedding in downtown LA and i have to say Weddings in Downtown LA are the bomb!!!....We love them......We had the best time running through the streets after seeing a wall that I just had to get the Bride and Groom to before all the festivities happened and the drinking began......Alexa and CJ were absolutely the best couple ever....They were in.....Whatever I said they said yes to me. I cannot tell you how much that means to a girl like me....It makes me want to run up the side of a mountain to get the shot.....I will you know.....Now that is what I call the perfect couple....When the B&G are into the photos as much as we are ~ we know we are destined to have some kick ass award winning images and I think we did some nice shooting that day...Not to mention had a ball!!! When the mother says to you that one of your images HAS to be on the cover of a magazine you know it is a job well done....
Please enjoy a few pics from the day that I really loved......I picked only a handful but I have to say there were well over 1000 of edited images from the getting ready shots to the dancing that were super fun, sexy and artsy....Check out http://www.loftsevenph.com to see a very unique and fabulous place for any kind of an event....Thank you to Tracy of http://www.flawlessweddingsandevents.net....You were so incredibly sweet and supportive to us during a long day....We all must have run up and down the stairs 1000 times that day......
Congrats again to Alexa and CJ...Friends for life....!!!!!